
About Leverage
Since 2010

Ken Nix: The People’s Champion in Vehicle Appraisals
In the vast realm of the automotive industry, few have achieved what Ken Nix has. Originally from Texas, Ken has lived in Oregon for over 27 years. With deep roots in the automotive industry, he stands as a beacon of trust and expertise, especially for consumers grappling with vehicle insurance claims. Let’s dive deep into the life of Ken Nix, unveiling the story behind the man who has become an unyielding consumer advocate in the world of auto appraisers.
Roots in the Automotive World
Ken’s bond with vehicles is not a recent affair; it’s almost hereditary. Growing up amidst the hustle and bustle of his family’s small town Chrysler dealership, he developed an early affection for cars. The dealership, owned by his uncle, was also where his mother managed the office, and other family members took on pivotal roles. His earliest memories are filled with fantasies of winning the Indy 500, sitting behind the wheels of old cars, including a ’58 Chevrolet Impala and a ’56 Chevy, relics from his elder brother’s racing adventures.
His thirst for automotive knowledge was insatiable. During the ’70s and ’80s, he amassed a collection of over 4,000 automotive magazines and books, absorbing every piece of information they contained. His passion was not just limited to reading; he expressed it by building vast online communities such as the Volkswagen Owners Club, My GTI, and Jetta Junkie. And his commitment was recognized when he became an Administrator for the world’s largest automotive forum network for over a decade.
From Sales to Advocacy
Ken’s journey in the automotive industry began in earnest in the 1980s. For over 20 years, he navigated the complex world of car sales, appraising tens of thousands of vehicles ranging from late models, exotics, to even Japanese right-hand-drive vans. Despite the lucrative nature of car sales, an epiphany led Ken to pivot. Witnessing his son adopt the aggressive sales tactics he had mastered was a turning point. Questioning his own integrity and legacy, Ken decided to channel his expertise into a more positive avenue: automotive digital marketing.
Ken’s prowess in marketing was quickly recognized, leading to his association with giants like Diversiform and Reynolds and Reynolds. Here, he collaborated with local Automotive Dealers, offering them innovative digital solutions for vehicle marketing.
Birth of an Expert Appraiser
2010 marked a significant transition. Ken became a Certified Auto Appraiser in Oregon. Over the subsequent years, his deep-seated love for vehicles and unwavering commitment to authenticity made him the go-to appraiser for giants like Ron Tonkin Gran Turismo.
His skill set is unique. Blending extensive automotive sales knowledge with auto body repair assessment expertise and computer acumen, Ken possesses a competitive edge that few can match. His experience provides him the ammunition to spot irregularities and faulty assessments by opposing appraisers. As someone personally trained by negotiation maestros like Zig Ziglar, Tom Stuker, and Grant Cordone, Ken’s prowess in negotiation is unparalleled.
The Mission at Leverage Auto Appraisals
Ken’s current venture, Leverage Auto Appraisals, reflects his consumer-centric ethos. Catering specifically to clients in Oregon and Washington, the firm staunchly avoids affiliations with insurance companies. This neutrality ensures that every assessment is objective, unbiased, and centered on the client’s best interest.
His commitment is evident in the staggering statistic that over 99% of client services related to 1st policy total loss claims in Oregon have been rendered free of charge for the past 13+ years.
In Conclusion
Ken Nix is not just a licensed appraiser; he is the embodiment of trust, expertise, and consumer advocacy in the often-complex world of vehicle insurance claims. His vast experience, bolstered by real-world insights, makes him an invaluable ally for anyone seeking a fair and transparent appraisal. When you’re up against insurance giants, having Ken on your side is not just an advantage; it’s LEVERAGE.
Our Appraiser

Ken Nix
Total Loss Appraisals | Total Loss Negotiation
Experience You Can Trust

At Leverage, we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our clients. Unlike some other businesses that only provide a Total Loss Fair Market Value appraisal, our Total Loss auto appraiser not only delivers a comprehensive appraisal but also negotiates directly with your insurance company’s appraiser. This ensures you get a fair value for your totaled vehicle. We believe in transparency and fairness, which is why this negotiation service is already included in the price of your appraisal. There are no hidden fees or unexpected upsells later on, which can be the case with some other companies. Ken, our leading appraiser, brings to the table over 38 years of negotiation experience and is a licensed Auto Appraiser in Oregon.
Over 13 years as an Certified Oregon Auto Appraiser
We Do Not Work For Insurance Companies. Only policyholders.
Flat Fee. Which is normally reimbursed to you. We do not take a percentage of your claim.

Call now for a Free Consultation
(503) 567-8900
Client Reviews
“Ac feugiat ante. Donec ultricies lobortis eros, nec auctor nisl semper ultricies. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor. Quis blandit erat.”
“Quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec.”
“Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet.”
Office Hours
Daily – All Calls Answered 24/7
Ken Nix Business Hours – 9 to 5 Mon – Fri
Holidays – Normally Closed

Oregon Certified Auto Appraiser #V34-075
Contact Info
Portland, Oregon
(503) 567-8900